Leptin affects food intake and body weight by actions on the hypothala
mus. Although leptin resistance is common in obesity, mechanisms have
not been identified. We examined the effect of leptin on expression of
the suppressors-of-cytokine-signaling (SOCS) family of proteins. Peri
pheral leptin administration to ob/ob, but not db/db mice, rapidly ind
uced SOCS-3 mRNA in hypothalamus, but had no effect on CIS, SOCS-1, or
SOCS-5. A leptin-dependent increase of SCCS-3 mRNA was seen in areas
of hypothalamus expressing high levels of the leptin receptor long for
m. In mammalian cell lines, SOCS-3, but not CIS or SOCS-2, blocked lep
tin-induced signal transduction. Expression of SOCS-3 mRNA in the arcu
ate and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei is increased in A(y)/a mice, a
model of leptin-resistant murine obesity. In conclusion, SOCS-3 is a
leptin-inducible inhibitor of leptin signaling, and a potential mediat
or of leptin resistance in obesity.