The present review summarizes the current knowledge on the multiple ef
fects of alcohol overconsumption on the kidney function as well as on
water, electrolyte and acid-base homeostasis. In contrast to the well
known transitory diuretic effect, the overall long-term effect of chro
nic alcohol overconsumption is water and salt retention with expansion
of extracellular volume. Furthermore, depletion of magnesium, phospha
te and calcium is also frequently found in alcohol-dependent patients.
These electrolyte disturbances may be associated with the alcohol-ind
uced hypoparathyroidism and parathyroid hormone resistance of the skel
etal muscle as well as with the decrease of serum osteocalcin. Metabol
ic acidosis with lower arterial blood pH and plasma bicarbonate concen
trations was revealed in alcoholic patients upon admission and a signi
ficant correlation between chronic alcohol overconsumption and increas
ed incidence of hyperuricemia and gout attacks was also reported. Alco
hol seems to have dual effects on the blood pressure. Increased blood
pressure was demonstrated in men above 80 g and in women above 40 g et
hanol consumption daily. In contrast, young adults consuming only 10 t
o 20 g per day had lower blood pressure than the abstinent group indic
ating a J-curve relationship. This is in line with the lowered risk fo
r coronary heart disease associated with regular consumption of small
alcohol amounts. The mechanisms responsible for the association betwee
n alcohol overconsumption and postinfectious glomerulonephritis have n
ot been elucidated yet. Finally severe alcohol abuse predisposes to ac
ute renal failure and seems to be associated with the general cataboli
c effects.