The unsteady-state potential and space charge distributions between tw
o identical, planar parallel charged surfaces immersed in an a:b elect
rolyte solution are examined theoretically. The effects of the ratio o
f the diffusivities of counterions and colons, D-con/D-co, the mean di
ffusivity (DconDco)(1/2), and the separation distance between two surf
aces, H, on the transient distributions of electrical potential and sp
ace charges are investigated. The result of numerical simulation revea
ls that the extent of a system to reach its new equilibrium state depe
nds largely on the magnitude of a scaled time v(=Dt kappa(2)). For a f
ixed H, the greater the value of v, the closer a system to its new equ
ilibrium state. For constant H and v, the smaller the ratio (D-con/D-c
o), the greater the deviation of a system from its new equilibrium sta
te. In addition, the effect of D-con on this deviation is greater than
that of D-co.