The activation of Jun/Fos is a crucial factor in transmiting the tumor
promoting signal from the extracellular environment to .nuclear trans
cription machinery. One of the final steps in signal transduction is t
he binding of Jun/Fos to the AP-I site in order to express gene transc
ription. Utilizing this concept, we screened about 100 extracts of nat
ural plants to search for a Jun-Fos function inhibitor. The methanol e
xtract of Ampelopsis radix reduced Jun/Foc retardation remarkably. The
active principles of the extract were isolated and purified by repeat
ed column chromatography and their structures were identified as olean
olic acid glycosides known as momordin I, Id, and le. These compounds
reduced the Jun/Fos-DNA interaction and their activities were quantita
ted with liquid scintillation counting of corresponding bands. Among t
hem, momordin I had the strongest inhibitory activity, with an IC50 va
lue of 22.8 mu g/ml. The methanol extract and momordin I, Id and le al
so showed cell cytotoxicity against human cancer cell lines. As expect
ed from a gel shift assay, momordin I showed the strongest cytotoxicit
y and its IC50 value was from 7.280 mu g/ml to 16.05 mu g/ml depending
on the cell line. With these data, it may be concluded that the mecha
nism of anticancer activity of momordin I comes from its inhibitory ef
fect on the protein-DNA interaction. The in vivo test was done only wi
th the methanol extract. The extract showed measurable anticancer acti
vity against murine colon cancer. The wet tumor weight reduction rate
was 17.73% at 90 mg/kg dose. We suggest that the Jun/Fos DNA interacti
on results in cell cytotoxicity.