The purpose of this work was to determine the role of methyl-beta-cycl
odextrin (MEBCD) in combination with doxorubicin (DOX) on DOX intracel
lular accumulation and efflux, in comparison to vempamil in a sensitiv
e parental and multidrug-resistant human cancer cell line (HL-60 S and
HL-60 R). Moreover, cell membrane and nuclear modifications induced b
y MEBCD were investigated. At concentration of 10 mu mol for 10(6) cel
ls, MEBCD combined with doxorubicin (DOX), was able to significantly e
nhance the intracellular concentration of DOX in HL-60 S and HL-60 R c
ell lines during the period of exposure. In the resistant subline, MEB
CD activity was higher than that of verapamil. Moreover; treatment of
cells with MEBCD resulted in a modification in cell membrane integrity
and cell morphology, but had no own activity in the distribution of t
he cells within cell cyle.