OBJECTIVE: To investigate the age dependence of choroidal blood flow.
DESIGN: A cross-sectional study. SETTING: Department of Clinical Pharm
acology, Vienna University. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 130 healthy volun
teers between the ages of 19 and 83 years. MEASUREMENTS: Fundus pulsat
ion amplitude (FPA) with a recently developed laser interferometric me
thod, mean arterial pressure (MAP) with an automated oscillometric dev
ice, intraocular pressure (IOP) with an applanation tonometer, and ocu
lar perfusion pressure (OPP) as calculated from MAP and IOP. RESULTS:
There was a significant correlation of FPA with age r = -0.242 (P =.00
5). MAP, IOP, and OPP showed a significant positive correlation with a
ge. Multiple regression analysis showed that FPA is associated with ag
e but not with MAP, IOP, or OPP. CONCLUSION: Choroidal blood flow is r
educed in older subjects, which argues in favor of an increase in ocul
ar vascular resistance with age. This may be a risk factor in the deve
lopment of common ocular diseases such as age-related macular degenera
tion or glaucoma.