This paper describes practical aspects relating to the safe use of tar
get controlled infusion systems in anaesthesia. Consideration is given
to the correct use of syringes and infusion lines for any target cont
rolled infusion system. The importance of appropriate connections, min
imising infusion line dead space and the avoidance of syphoning are em
phasised. The first two commercially available infusion pumps to incor
porate the 'Diprifusor' module for the administration of propofol by t
arget controlled infusion are the Graseby 3500 (Graseby Medical Ltd) a
nd the Vial Master TCI (Fresenius Vial SA, originally developed by Bec
ton Dickinson). Particular features of these systems are discussed. Fi
nally, the practical consequences of possible misuse of infusion syste
ms incorporating pharmacokinetic models are considered.