Despite the progress being made in research aimed at achieving a zero-
liquid-effluent mill, there is justification for investigated the more
gradual approach of partial recirculation of bleaching effluents (par
tial closure). Ecka Chemicals, in cooperation with the University of I
daho, is carrying out research using mill trials, laboratory testing,
and computer simulation to evaluate combinations of bleaching stages,
operating conditions, washing, and filtrate recycling and treatment. O
ne idea being investigated for ECF bleaching is that of keeping the al
kaline and acidic effluent streams separate and evaluating acid efflue
nt treatment and alkaline filtrate recycling The laboratory potential
of this approach on conventional southern pine softwood kraft pulp, O-
2-predelignified Scandinavian pulp, and conventional and O-2-predelign
ified eucalyptus pulp is reported in this paper. For fully bleached EC
F southern pine kraft pulp, comparisons of the results of external eff
luent treatment (anerobic + activated sludge) on the total effluents,
and on the acidic effluent, show that the acidic effluent is more easi
ly treatable in terms of AOX and COD. Under well-controlled laboratory
conditions with efficient washing, partial closure is promising. The
extent to which these results will be influenced by more realistic mil
l conditions (i.e, carryover) and the degree of compatibility of the a
lkaline effluents with the recovery system are being evaluated through
extensive simulation studies and mill trials.