Pressure pulses between forming fabrics in twin-wire blade formers aff
ect paper formation. These pulses have been modeled using four rigorou
sly derived equations (mass conservation, momentum, top-fabric equilib
rium, and bottom-fabric equilibrium) that describe the behavior of the
fiber suspension and fabrics in a gap former. Results of this numeric
al analysis-particularly the pressure pulse generated by a forming bla
de-were compared with the approximate analytical solution derived by Z
hao and Kerekes in a previous work (here-in after, ZK). While most of
the assumptions of that ZK model produced minimal errors, two produced
consequential errors: The assumed constant permeability of the wire a
nd associated fiber mat caused the peak pressure to be underestimated
by about 15%. Moreover, the assumption that the stagnation point assoc
iated with the doctoring effect of the blades is negligible caused the
ZK model to underpredict peak pressure upstream of the blade by 5-25%
. For certain paper-machine operating conditions, the ZK model predict
s the existence of an oscillatory pressure distribution upstream of th
e blade. The computational model presented here supports this predicti
on and shows that tension in the upper and lower fabrics plays a role
in the development of the oscillatory pressures.