To study the influence of venous hypertension, which develops in lower
limbs under pneumoperitoneal pressure, on microcirculation, plethysmo
graphic measurements were performed in patients before and during lapa
roscopic and traditional (open) cholecystectomy. During laparoscopy, i
sovolumetric venous pressure (estimate of capillary pressure), and fil
tration coefficient (estimate of patent capillary surface) decreased,
which was not the case during open surgery. These results indicates th
at venous hypertension during laparoscopic surgery does not extend to
the microcirculation; vasoconstriction is a result of protective mecha
nisms, which disable excessive fluid filtration in microcirculation. P
arameters of macrocirculation (ambient venous pressure, compliance of
calf tissue) changed intraoperatively in both groups similarly, irresp
ectively of the surgical technique.