Twenty six patients with mild or moderate haemophilia A and inhibitors
are described. The inhibitor was detected at a median age of 33 years
, after a median of 5.5 bleeding episodes. This usually following inte
nsive replacement therapy. The median presenting inhibitor titre was a
ntihuman 11.6 BU/ml, antiporcine 1.45 BU/ml. Plasma basal factor VIII
level declined from a median of 0.08 IU/ml to 0.01 IU/ml following the
inhibitor development. This caused spontaneous bleeding in 22 and a b
leeding pattern similar to acquired haemophilia in 17. Bleeding was of
ten severe and caused two deaths. The inhibitor disappeared spontaneou
sly, or following immune tolerance induction, in 16 cases after a medi
an of 9 months (range 0.5-46), with a return to the original baseline
VIIIC level and bleeding pattern accompanied inhibitor loss. The inhib
itor persisted in the remainder of the cases over a median period of 9
9 months (range 17-433 months) of follow-up. Inhibitors are an uncommo
n complication of mild haemophilia which frequently persist and may be
associated with severe, life-threatening, haemorrhage. Forty-one perc
ent of treated haemophilic family members had a history of factor VIII
inhibitors, suggesting a familial predisposition to develop inhibitor
s in these kindreds. Sixteen patients from 11 families were genotyped.
Seven different missense mutations affecting the light chain were det
ected and two in the A2 domain. Five patients from three families had
a mutation causing a substitution of Trp(2229) by Cys in the C2 domain
which appears to predispose to inhibitor formation since 7 of the 18
affected individuals have a history of inhibitor development.