Er. Sauter et al., PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN PRODUCTION IN THE FEMALE BREAST - ASSOCIATION WITH PROGESTERONE, Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention, 7(4), 1998, pp. 315-320
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is produced by the female breast Prior
in vitro evidence suggests that PSA expression in breast epithelial c
ells is regulated by androgens and progestins but not estrogens, The p
urpose of this study was to determine whether (a) PSA expression in br
east nipple aspirate fluid (NAF) and in serum is influenced by progest
erone (PG); (b) the ability to obtain NAF decreases with repeated brea
st aspirations; and (c) PSA in NAF correlates with abnormal NAP cytolo
gy, Eight pre-and three postmenopausal women with no breast cancer ris
k factors were enrolled in a pilot study and had NAF and serum collect
ed every 3-4 days for a month to evaluate the influence of serum PG, l
uteinizing hormone, estradiol, and follicle-stimulating hormone on PSA
in serum and in NAF, NAF was obtained in 99% (112 of 113) of aspirati
on visits, Median, mean, and peak NAF but not serum PSA levels were hi
gher in pre-than in postmenopausal subjects, NAF PSA levels were assoc
iated with the rise or peak in serum PG in seven of eight premenopausa
l women (seven of seven with a PG surge) and in zero of three postmeno
pausal women, Considering all 11 women, there was an association betwe
en NAF PSA and PG (P = 0.005) but not luteinizing hormone, estradiol,
or follicle-stimulating hormone, NAF volume did not significantly chan
ge over time, Atypical hyperplasia (9%) and hyperplasia without atypia
(36%) were identified in the NAF of a subset of the subjects, Median,
mean, and peak levels of NAF PSA (P = 0.05, 0.05, and 0.10, respectiv
ely) were higher in subjects with normal versus hyperplastic cytology,
PSA production in the breast increases in association with PG, With a
spiration every 3-4 days, NAF volume does not significantly decrease o
ver time, NAF cytology and PSA levels in NAF may help identify women a
t increased breast cancer risk, Changes in biomarkers of breast cancer
risk in NAF (including PSA and cytology) may predate mammographic abn
ormalities, NAF may, therefore, be useful as a breast cancer screening
tool for young women who are not recommended to undergo mammography a
nd as an adjunct to screen women who have mammograms performed.