In seven dogs with histologically proven liver cirrhosis the activity
of the single coagulation factors with the exception of factor VIII:C,
of the inhibitors antithrombin III and protein C as well as plasminog
en and alpha(2)-antiplasmin was distinctly lower than in the control g
roup (p < 0,0001). The changes of the factors VII [median (x(0,50)) =
17 %] and X (x(0,50) = 18 %) as well as of protein C (x(0,50) = 15 %)
were particularly pronounced. Diminution of activity certainly exceede
d also in nearly all of the remaining haemostatic proteins the decreas
e of albumin concentration. Besides the shorter half life time, this r
eflected an increased consumption in consequence of intravascular coag
ulation and fibrinolysis. The latter could also be seen from the signi
ficantly increased concentrations of soluble fibrin and fibrin(ogen) d
egradation products. Therefore, the alterations of the haemostatic sys
tem measured in dogs in many details were in accordance with findings
in human beings suffering from liver cirrhosis.