Fruit weight, drupelet number, drupelet weight and seed weight were me
asured for five fruit per plot for raspberries in plantings establishe
d at Puyallup, Wash. Primary fruit were harvested in the first and sec
ond harvest seasons for raspberries in three plantings established in
1990, 1991 and 1992. For pooled data from the 124 plots sampled in thi
s study, mean fruit weight fruit and drupelet weight increased from th
e first to the second season, while there was no increase in drupelet
number. The planting established in 1992 did not follow the same patte
rn as the pooled data. In the 1992 planting the drupelet number increa
sed, but drupelet weight did not increase from the first to the second
harvest season. This may be the result of weather conditions at the t
ime of fruit initiation or fruit development.