Traditional technique guided the effective psychotherapist more toward
restraint of self than active use of self. Contemporary trends in tec
hnique are moving more toward encouraging the therapist to be aware of
and use his or her ''real'' self in the relationship with clients, in
other words to loosen the rigors of anonymity and neutrality in servi
ce of genuine relating and its attendant growth-enhancing potential. T
he authors of this paper offer the argument that the application of wh
at you know as a psychotherapist (that is the accumulation of knowledg
e and techniques from professional education and training) can only be
helpful and effective if you are aware of how who you are as a person
, in the room with the client (that is the accumulation of your own pe
rsonality traits, personal belief systems, and psychology in the relat
ional matrix with the client) is influencing the therapy. Support for
this argument from the clinical literature provides the theoretical ba
ses for three processes outlined in the paper which will guide the eff
ective psychotherapist in integrating the personal self with the profe
ssional and technical self: 1) inventory of self; 2) development of se
lf-knowledge; and 3) acceptance of risks to self.