Studies on color patterns of ashes have hocused on relationships betwe
en bright, relatively permanent: colors, such as those of fishes inhab
iting coral reef and tropical freshwater habitats, and ecological fact
ors, such as competitors, predators, and the visual background. By com
parison, the functions of, and hence the selective pressures acting on
, temporary changes in nuptial coloration have received much less atte
ntion. Temporary color changes associated with reproduction occur in m
any freshwater and marine groups. Nuptial coloration in fishes functio
ns both in agonistic interactions among males and courtship of females
, so that it is subject to both intrasexual and intersexual selection
as web as natural selection. Temporal variation in nuptial color patte
rns is sensitive to temporal changes ire the male's physical condition
, motivation, and social status. Physiological processes, such as neur
onal and endocrine changes, play important roles in the expression of
breeding colors, including rapid responses to changes in social condit
ions. The importance of proximal mechanisms and ultimate selective pro
cesses in mediating rapid changes in the blue, melanin-based breeding
colors of pupfish, and the red, carotenoid-based color patterns in gup
pies are discussed in the context of signal function and evolution.