We have determined the stability of the dense hydrous magnesium silica
te phase D in a Mg2SiO(4) + 20.5 wt % H2O composition between 16 and 2
5 GPa at 900 degrees-1400 degrees C. Phase D coexists with superhydrou
s phase B and a Mg-rich liquid to temperatures of 1000 degrees C at 17
GPa and 1400 degrees C at 26 GPa. Experiments in an externally heated
diamond-anvil cell confirm that phase D is stable to pressures of at
least 50 GPa at 930 degrees C. From static compression measurements, t
he zero-pressure bulk modulus of phase D was determined as 200+/-7 GPa
. We also present evidence that phase D is identical to phase F [Kanza
ki, 1991] and phase G [Kudoh et al., 1997a; Ohtani et al., 1997]. The
high-pressure and high-temperature stability of phase D makes it emine
ntly suitable as a hydrous phase which is stable within subducting lit
hosphere, in the transition zone, and in the lower mantle. The positiv
e pressure-temperature stability slope of phase D, determined in this
study, indicates that it is potentially stable at temperatures much gr
eater than 1400 degrees C in the lower mantle.