Since its first definition 100 years ago, the term conversion underwen
t many changes, a fact that is proved by various re-evaluations with r
espect to classification (DSM-IV, ICD-10). In the context of a psychod
ynamically-oriented diagnostic there are - in addition to that - actua
l attempts to reach a valid operationalization of the conversion conce
pt. From a psychodynamic point of view a differentiation of traditiona
l concepts has been made. Results of examinations of 45 children and a
dolescents (average age: 14 years, range: 8-18 years) who had been tre
ated in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Unive
rsity of Essen for conversion symptoms, revealed a strong interaction
of oedipal and pre-oedipal conflicts and that in case that there was n
o help from a third object during early triangulation, the child's end
eavor to break out of the primordial relationship with the primary lov
e object had been impeded and thus individuation processes were impair
ed or even prevented. Our results lead to the conclusion that for the
young patients, who came to us with a conversion symptom, the early pr
e-oedipal triangulation failed and thus primary separation and depende
cy conflicts could not be solved adequately.