A survey was carried out of African cassava mosaic geminivirus and cas
sava brown streak virus diseases (ACMD and CBSD) in Tanzania. ACMD occ
urred throughout the country at low to moderate incidences in the fift
een different regions surveyed (1-64%). The incidence was generally hi
gher along the coastal plain than in higher altitude areas in the inte
rior. There was a significant correlation between numbers of adults of
the whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci, and incidence of recently infect
ed plants (R = 0.77, p < 0.01), although most infection was attributab
le to the use of infected cuttings. CBSD was more restricted in distri
bution and, where present, incidence was low to moderate (1-36%). Cass
ava plantings along the southern border with Mozambique link the highe
st incidence area on the south-east coast near Mtwara, with the other
important area of CBSD incidence along the shore of Lake Malawi. The e
ffects of climatic parameters on ACMD and CBSD incidence are discussed
. The survey data suggest that both diseases could be controlled in Ta
nzania by the use of phytosanitation which involves the use of disease
-free planting material and the removal (roguing) of diseased plants.