Background: Lately we have observed an increase in the admission to in
tensive care units of patients over 65 years old, probably due to the
increase in life expectancy that is occurring in Chile. Aim: To compar
e the frequency of admissions to intensive care units in patients over
65 years old, their diagnoses their severity and hospital course, wit
h those of younger patients. Patients and methods: The charts of all p
atients admitted to an intensive care unit of a University Hospital du
ring one year, were reviewed The diagnosis that caused the admission w
as considered the main disease. Severity at the moment of admission wa
s assessed using the Apache score. Results: A total of 777 patients we
re admitted during the study period. Twenty had to be excluded due to
lack of reliable data. Four hundred thirty two (57%) were over 65 year
s old. Cardiovascular diseases were the main cause of admission in you
ng and old patients. Mortality wets 14.8% of patients over 65 years ol
d and 18.7% in younger patients. Main causes of death were cardiac arr
est, cardiogenic shock, sepsis and cerebrovascular disease. No differe
nces in causes of death were observed between young and old patients.
Conclusions: Patients older than 65 years old admitted to intensive ca
re units are very similar to their younger counterparts in their progn
osis and causes of admission.