Five cases of the Hirschsprung's disease-congenital central hypoventil
ation syndrome (CCHS) association are presented and 41 other published
cases reviewed. These children have a distinct pattern of associated
features, an equal sex incidence, and a characteristic spectrum of dis
ease severity which suggests that the condition is genetically distinc
t from other cases of Hirschsprung's disease. While approximately 1.5%
of Hirschsprung's disease patients, and 10% of those with total colon
ic aganglionosis, will have CCHS, up to 50% of CCHS patients will have
Hirschsprung's disease. Approximately 20% of CCHS/Hirschsprung patien
ts will also have neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroma, usually multiple. A
bnormalities of the eye and autonomic nervous system are also common.
The ventilatory abnormality is usually evident on the first day of lif
e. The aganglionosis is also severe, with more than half (59%) of the
patients having aganglionosis extending into the small bowel.