Lipid abnormalities are major risk factors for premature coronary arte
ry disease (CAD). However, the type and prevalence of dyslipidemia in
these patients have not been well characterised, especially in some et
hnic groups. The purpose of the present work was to determine the lipi
d disorders in patients of Northwestern Greece with premature CAD. The
study population comprised of 132 men and 38 women who underwent elec
tive diagnostic arteriography in our University Hospital. Subjects wit
h greater than or equal to 1 lesion that narrowed the lumen of any of
the 15 coronary artery segments by greater than or equal to 70% were c
onsidered to be CAD cases (n=108), whereas those with narrowing <70% w
ere excluded (n=54). Asymptomatic subjects (n=104) matched for age and
sex were taken as controls. Compared with the controls, patients with
premature CAD had increased serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL ch
olesterol, triglycerides, Apo B, and Lp(a), and decreased serum levels
of HDL cholesterol and Apo A1. A lipoprotein or apolipoprotein abnorm
ality was identified in 89 CAD patients (82.4%). The increased serum A
po B level (>130 mg/dl) was the most common lipid abnormality observed
in 72 patients. However, the most prevalent dyslipidemic phenotypes i
n our patients were type IIA followed by hypoalpha and hyperApoB. Comp
ared to the control population, CAD patients had increased incidence o
f IIA and hypoalpha phenotypes. On the contrary, a normal lipoprotein
phenotype was more common in the control population compared to CAD pa
tients (56.7% vs. 17.6%, P<0.001). We conclude that the majority of Cr
eek patients with premature CAD exhibit lipid and lipoprotein abnormal
ities, which to a large extent can be defined by determining the tradi
tional lipid parameters (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL chole
sterol and triglycerides). However, in some cases the value of the qua
ntification of other lipid parameters such as apolipoproteins and Lp(a
) should be taken into account. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.