DGLAP evolution equations may be presented in a form completely analog
ous to the Boltzmann equation. This provides a natural proof of the po
sitivity of the spin-dependent parton distributions, provided the init
ial distributions at Q(0)(2) are also positive. in addition, the evolu
tion to Q(2) < Q(0)(2) may violate positivity, providing therefore a '
time arrow'. The positivity condition is just \Delta P-ij(z)\less than
or equal to P-ij(z) for z < 1 for all types of partons, while the '+'
prescription and terms containing delta(1 - z) do not affect positivi
ty. This method allows one to complete immediately the existing proof
of Soffer inequality at leading and next-to-leading order. (C) 1998 El
sevier Science B.V.