We consider the variational inequality problem, denoted by VIP(X,F), w
hen F is a strongly monotone function and the convex set X is describe
d by some inequality (and possibly equality) constraints. This problem
is solved by a continuation (or interior-point) method, which solves
a sequence of certain perturbed variational inequality problems. These
perturbed problems depend on a parameter mu > 0. It is shown that the
perturbed problems have a unique solution for all values of mu > 0, a
nd that any sequence generated by the continuation method converges to
the unique solution of VIP(X,F) under a well-known linear independenc
e constraint qualification (LICQ). We also discuss the extension of th
e continuation method to monotone variational inequalities and present
some numerical results obtained with a suitable implementation of thi
s method. (C) 1998 The Mathematical Programming Society, Inc. Publishe
d by Elsevier Science B.V.