Population aging has become a subject of widespread popular and academ
ic interest. In providing an assessment of the extent of aging that is
in prospect, this paper makes available a number of projections of th
e age-sex distribution of the Canadian population for the 45-year peri
od 1996 to 2041 and comparisons with the previous 45-year period. The
projections combine assumptions relating to fertility, mortality, and
migration so as to produce future populations characterized as ''mediu
m,'' ''old,'' ''young,'' ''high immigration'' and ''low immigration''.
Supplementary calculations include growth rates, for both the total p
opulation and selected age groups, and various types of dependency rat
ios, including ones with a range of age-differentiated weights. It is
concluded that substantial aging of the Canadian population appears vi
rtually certain but, based on the demographic evidence, the ''dependen
cy burden'' is likely to remain below the peak levels attained during
the baby boom.