Purpose: This study examined potential links between dietary intakes,
body fatness, menstrual status, and hematological and serum iron statu
s in 21 competitive female figure skaters aged 11-16 yr. Methods: Atti
tudes toward dieting were assessed using the Eating Attitudes Test (EA
T). Dietary intakes were based on 3-d food records. Percent body fat w
as calculated using measures of triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, pect
oral, axillary, abdominal, and thigh skinfold measures. Blood iron sta
tus was measured using hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hgb), total iron
binding capacity (TIBC), and serum iron. Menstrual status was based on
a self-report questionnaire. Results: Body weights and estimated ener
gy intakes were all within normal range for this age group. Higher EAT
scores were associated with lower micronutrient, but not lower energy
intakes. Menstrual status and iron status were normal. No significant
correlations between measures of body fatness, menstrual status, and
hematological or serum iron status were observed. Conclusion: Although
the measured indices of nutritional status were normal, adolescent at
hletes have higher energy needs than does the general population. Depe
nding on energy expenditure levels, energy and nutrition intakes in th
e low normal range may put some athletes at risk for undernutrition.