We have examined if sevoflurane anaesthesia per se modified the number
of circulating leucocytes in humans. Fifty-nine patients undergoing e
lective surgery were anaesthetized with sevoflurane in oxygen. The inh
aled concentration was increased gradually to 5% and maintained for 20
min. Arterial blood samples were obtained before induction of anaesth
esia and at 20 min. While the total number of leucocytes remained cons
tant, circulating neutrophils decreased (mean 3370 (so 1030) mm(-3) to
3170 (940) mm(-3); P<0.01) and lymphocytes increased (1870 (520) mm(-
3) to 2040 (580) mm(-3); P<0.01). We conclude that high concentrations
of sevoflurane modified the distribution of leucocytes in anaesthetiz
ed patients.