PURPOSE: When troublesome MR imaging findings are noted in the petrous
apex, the radiologist must determine if the area in question needs su
rgical therapy. Two nonsurgical entities, asymmetric fatty marrow and
fluid-filled petrous air cells (trapped fluid), can be noted on conven
tional brain MR images and confused with pathologic lesions. Our obser
vation that radiologists do not always confidently define the nonsurgi
cal petrous apex lesions precipitated this investigation. METHODS: Twe
nty-three patients with either asymmetric fatty marrow (six) or unilat
eral effusion in a pneumatized petrous apex (17) on MR images were stu
died, Eighteen patients underwent high-resolution temporal bone CT, Fo
r all patients, the medical charts were reviewed retrospectively and/o
r the surgical and clinical follow-up findings were reviewed with the
referring physician. RESULTS: In the patients with asymmetric fatty ma
rrow, MR signal intensity followed fat on all sequences. The questione
d apex in the patients with trapped fluid showed mixed MR signal chara
cteristics (low to high T1 signal, high T2 signal). CT scans confirmed
nonexpansile air-cell opacification. CONCLUSION: Asymmetric fatty mar
row in the petrous apex and petrous air-cell effusions have characteri
stic MR and CT features that facilitate their correct diagnosis. Effus
ions with intermediate or high T1 signal are most frequently confused
with cholesterol granulomas. In those patients, long-term CT follow-up
may be helpful to confirm their stability.