We investigated circulation and water mass modification processes in t
he Chukchi Sea using (1) temperature, salinity, and velocity data coll
ected between September 1991 and September 1992 from moorings in Berin
g Strait and the northeast shelf, and (2) meteorological data and ice
concentrations derived from special sensor microwave imager (SSM/I) im
agery. In October 1991 and from February to August 1992 the mean month
ly circulation was steady and northward. From November to January, str
ong northeast winds diverted the low-salinity Bering Inflow onto the w
estern shelf, and weakened and reversed flow over the northeast shelf.
The winds also opened extensive polynyas, wherein cold hypersaline (s
alinity > similar to 34) waters formed. The fall/winter circulation en
hanced dense water formation by diverting low-salinity waters away fro
m, and prolonging the residence time of water within, the polynyas, Al
ongshore convergence of the coastal flow swept some of the cold hypers
aline water offshore (across isobaths), but the coastal current carrie
d most of it into the Arctic Ocean through Barrow Canyon. The dense ou
tflow mixed little during its descent through the upper canyon, where
bottom friction and rotation, but not entrainment, were important in t
he plume momentum balance. If the outflow is not diluted by mixing in
the lower canyon (where theory suggests this will occur), then the den
sest shelf waters can ventilate layers deeper than the halocline. Salt
rejection estimates using SSM/I data and surface heat budget calculat
ions agree, within a factor of 2, with independent estimates from the
mooring. Hence remote sensing techniques can monitor winter salt rejec
tion rates in the Chukchi Sea.