The possibility of ablation of arrhythmias has revived interest in acc
essory atrioventricular pathways. The authors propose a classification
based on their electrophysiological properties, the nature of the arr
hythmias which they induce, their anatomy and localisation. Classical
accessory pathways have a rapid ''all or nothing'' type of conduction
and are responsible for the WPW syndrome. They are called bundles of K
ent although Kent's description does not correspond exactly to our pre
sent concept of their structures. However, some classical accessory pa
thways do have unidirectional conduction properties. When only retrogr
ade reciprocating orthodromic tachycardia may occur but not preexcitat
ion is observed in sinus rhythm : they have to be differentiated from
reciprocating nodal tachycardias. Atypical accessory pathways show dec
remential conduction and are composed of specific tissues. When the co
nclusion is mainly or exclusively anterograde, tachycardias may be obs
erved which were generally attributed to nodoventricular Mahaim fibres
. When the conduction is essentially retrograde, they usually give ris
e to chronic junctional tachycardias.