Although the parathyroid hormone-related protein gene is widely expres
sed in the central nervous system, the role of this protein in blood p
ressure is unknown. This article examines whether parathyroid hormone-
related protein is involved in the central regulation of blood pressur
e. An intraventricularly injected solution of parathyroid hormone-rela
ted protein elicited a dose-dependent increase of mean arterial pressu
re accompanied by a decrease of heart rate in conscious Sprague-Dawley
rats. An anti-parathyroid hormone-related protein monoclonal antibody
, given in an intraventricularly injected solution, blocked the presse
r effect of parathyroid hormone-related protein. Furthermore, this pre
sser effect of parathyroid hormone-related protein was also abolished
after pretreatment by intravenous administration of either hexamethoni
um bromide or doxazosin mesylate. These results suggest that central p
arathyroid hormone-related protein is implicated in the regulation of
blood pressure, and that this effect may be mediated through sympathet
ic activation. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.