Rationale and Objectives. The authors evaluated the value of T1 rho in
relation to T1 and T2 in the characterization of human muscles. Mater
ials and Methods. The authors studied the effect of muscle type (anter
ior tibial [AT] and gastrocnemius [GC]), sex, and age on 1/T1 and 1/T2
at 0.1 T and 1/T1 rho at locking-field B(1)s (spin-locking radio-freq
uency magnetic induction field) of 10-160 mu T in 38 healthy volunteer
s. The contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) between muscle and fat was evalua
ted with different T1-, T2-, and T1 rho-weighted magnetic resonance (M
R) sequences. Results. The 1/T1, 1/T2, and 1/T1 rho were slightly high
er in AT than in GC muscles. The 1/T2 and 1/T1 rho of AT muscles showe
d a sex dependence, whereas no correlation with age was found. The CNR
of the T1 rho-weighted images did not markedly differ from that of th
e T1- and T2-weighted images. Conclusion. T1 rho is as sensitive as T2
to the composition of muscle, whereas T1 is less sensitive. In MR ima
ging of normal muscle, T1 rho and T2 provide a relatively similar tiss
ue contrast.