The physiology of colour vision is discussed: as is the way in which t
he human eye can detect various combinations of red, green and blue. R
ed-green colour blindness, with X-linked inheritance, is the most comm
on, but other types are also considered. Methods of testing relating t
o the age of the child an reviewed. The use of colours in teaching is
widespread, but there is controversy over the difficulties this may ca
use a colour blind child. A review of the literature does not reveal m
uch information on this, and any problems that do arise are likely to
be individual to the child, and to depend on such factors as overall i
ntelligence, the attitude of the teacher, and the personality of the c
hild. There is no doubt that it is essential to recognise colour visio
n defects when it comes to choosing a carter: and that tests must be d
one during secondary schooling, but in order to avoid some affected ch
ildren being disadvantaged there is enough evidence to support testing
at school entry.