Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections are characterized by uppe
r or lower respiratory tract symptoms including bronchiolitis and pneu
monia. Apnoea may be the first sign of disease in children with RSV in
fection. The aims of this study were the identification of independent
risk factors for RSV associated apnoea and the prediction of the risk
for mechanical ventilation in children with RSV associated apnoea. Me
dical records of children younger than 12 months of age admitted with
RSV infection between 1992 and 1995 to the Sophia Children's Hospital,
were reviewed. Demographic parameters, clinical features and laborato
ry parameters (SaO(2), pCO(2) and pH) were obtained upon admission and
during hospitalization. Children with and without apnoea were compare
d using univariate and multivariate logistic and linear regression ana
lysis. One hundred and eighty-five patients with RSV infection were ad
mitted of whom 38 (21%) presented with apnoea, Patients with apnoea we
re significantly younger, had a significantly lower temperature, highe
r pCO(2) and lower pH and had on chest radiographs also more signs of
atelectasis. The number of patients admitted to the ICU because of mec
hanical ventilation and oxygen administration was significantly higher
in children with RSV associated apnoea. Apnoea at admission was a str
ong predictor for recurrent apnoea. The relative risk for mechanical v
entilation increased with the number of episodes of apnoea: 2.4 (95% C
I 0.8 - 6.6) in children with one episode of apnoea (at admission) ver
sus 6.5 (95% CI 3.3 - 12.9) in children with recurrent episodes of apn
oea. Conclusions Age below 2 months is the strongest independent risk
factor for RSV associated apnoea, Apnoea at admission increases the ri
sk for recurrent apnoea. The risk for mechanical ventilation significa
ntly increases in children who suffer from recurrent apnoea.