Elemental and ionic composition of the eastern Mediterranean precipita
tion was determined on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey between Janua
ry 1992 and January 1994. Measured concentrations were comparable with
the concentrations reported from other rural stations. Concentrations
of elements and ions show strong short-term and well-defined long-ter
m variations. Short-term variations are due to transport from differen
t source areas whereas longterm (seasonal) variations are governed by
the seasonal changes in the wet removal of particles during their tran
sport from source areas to the eastern Mediterranean region. The most
important characteristic of the precipitation in the eastern Mediterra
nean region is the extensive neutralization of acidity by the airborne
CaCO3 particles from soil. Wet deposition fluxes of elements and ions
are smaller than the fluxes reported from other rural stations owing
to small annual rainfall in the region. Except for soil-related elemen
ts, wet deposition fluxes of all elements are significantly higher in
the winter season. Annual wet deposition fluxes are highly episodic, w
ith only 10-20 of the samples accounting more than 50% of annual fluxe
s for most of the measured elements and ions.