This article reviews the recent literature on health services use by d
rug abusers. A revised Andersen-Newman model is posited us a theoretic
al orientation for health service initiatives focused on drug abuse. T
he model highlights specific predisposing factors, historical health f
actors, current illness factors, and enabling/mediating factor associa
ted with drug abuse. The limited number of cost-effectiveness studies
have demonstrated that publicly funded drug treatment can produce savi
ngs by reducing selected health care costs and decreasing crime. Howev
er short-term costs related to drug abuse can be greater to realize th
an long-term savings. The criminal justice system can serve as a point
of contact and provides a concentrated reservoir of drug users. Howev
er drug-abusing offenders are more likely to present a variety of heal
th problems including hepatitis, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. From a ma
naged care and health services use perspective, drug abuse treatment i
n the criminal justice system should minimize long-term health care-an
d crime-related costs.