Dendrotoxin I (DTX-I) is a 60-residue peptide from the venom of the bl
ack mamba snake Dendroaspis polylepis. which binds to neuronal K+ chan
nels. The structure reported previously for DTX-I was synthesized for
the first time by a solution procedure. The synthetic product was conf
irmed to have the correct primary and disulfide structure determined b
y peptide mapping, sequence analysis and mass measurements. Comparison
of synthetic DTX-I with the natural one by high-performance liquid ch
romatography and capillary zone electrophoresis, as well as by sequenc
e analysis, revealed that the Asn residue at position 12 in the synthe
tic peptide was Asp in the natural product. Synthesis of DTX-I with As
p at position 12 gave a peptide identical with the natural product in
all aspects. NMR analysis of synthetic [Asn(12)]- and [Asp(12)]-DTX-I
also supported our findings that the Asn residue at position 12 in the
DTX-I molecule should be revised as Asp. [Asn(12)]- and [Asp(12)]-DTX
-I had very similar binding affinities when tested against radiolabele
d dendrotoxin binding to rat brain synaptosomal membranes. (C) Munksga
ard 1998.