Purpose. To examine the benefits of the shift of medical education int
o ambulatory primary care settings by investigating whether medical st
udents exposed to a common primary care problem (low back pain) in amb
ulatory care settings develop better clinical skills. Method. In 1995,
the authors categorized 420 students from all four North Carolina med
ical schools into groups that had previously encountered patients with
low back pain in ambulatory primary care settings, tertiary care sett
ings, both, or neither. The clinical skills of the groups were determi
ned using data collected during standardized-patient examination in wh
ich students took the history of, physically examined, and chose a dia
gnostic strategy for patients with acute, uncomplicated low back pain.
Results. In general, there was no difference between the performances
of the student groups associated with the settings of their previous
encounters with low back pain. On average, the students failed to ask
35% of the history items and failed to perform 35% of the physical exa
mination items. Many students chose inappropriate diagnostic strategie
s. Conclusion. The lack of difference between the groups' clinical per
formances indicates a need to more rigorously def;ne and evaluate outc
omes of education in ambulatory care settings. The generally poor clin
ical performance of all groups suggests that the current curriculum in
adequately teaches clinical skills needed to assess and manage common
problems. Clearer expectations of competencies and assurances that pre
ceptors in ambulatory care settings will help students meet those lear
ning objectives might lead to better outcomes.