There is a growing need for parents to communicate with their adolesce
nts about sexuality, as teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted d
iseases are on the rise. Many parents indicate that they lack informat
ion and feel uncomfortable communicating with their children about sex
. The popular press regularly publishes articles on parenting issues,
including how to discuss sex. In this study, 26 articles from 1984 to
1993 were reviewed, and the tone, quality of information, and advice g
iven to parents on how to communicate were analyzed. The articles refl
ected current research regarding parent-child sexual communication and
provided much more detailed advice about how best to approach the top
ic with an adolescent. However, readership seemed to be primarily whit
e and mothers in traditional families, and little advice was offered o
n how to handle more difficult issues, such as contraception and AIDS.
The findings suggest that the popular press could serve as an informa
tional vehicle for educating both youth and parents about sexuality an
d how to have productive discussions regarding this issue.