Recent studies have found that positive affect is associated with grea
ter relative left frontal EEG activation and negative affect is associ
ated with greater relative right frontal EEG activation. Further, chro
nically depressed adults typically display stable right frontal EEG ac
tivation. The present study investigated the effects of music on mood
state and right frontal EEG activation associated with chronic depress
ion. Fourteen chronically depressed female adolescents listened to roc
k music for a 23-minute session. These adolescents were compared with
a control sample of chronically depressed female adolescents who were
simply asked to sit and relax their minds and their muscles for the sa
me time period. EEG was recorded during baseline, music, and post-musi
c for three minutes each, and saliva samples were collected before and
after the session to determine the effects of the music on stress hor
mone (cortisol) levels. No group differences or changes were noted for
observed or reported mood state. However, cortisol levels decreased a
nd relative right frontal activation was significantly attenuated duri
ng and after the music procedure. It was concluded that music had posi
tive effects on the physiological and biochemical measures even though
observed and self-reported mood did not change.