The ability of empathy includes different competences. being infected
by emotions, the adoption of another person's perspective and the capa
bility to understand the social context. All three competences have to
be learned through social experiences. A theory of the empathic proce
ss has to describe, how it is possible to experience emotions and phan
tasies of another person in the self as one's own and to recognize the
m as belonging to the other. The theoretically founded attempt to diff
erentiate between self-perception and the perception of the other prov
es necessarily to reach an impass. A constructivistic hypothesis seems
to be more appropriate here, that conceives empathy as a personal dra
ft. This draft is directed by one's own inner objects and by concrete
experiences with the other as well. In the psychoanalytic dialogue bot
h participants, patient and analyst, develop their empathic drafts and
try to reach through them an understanding.