This study describes the use of infrared thermography to non-invasivel
y assess severity and depth of pressure injuries in dermal and subderm
al tissue. Two techniques were investigated: 1) thermographic evaluati
on of wounds at thermal equilibrium with normal room temperature surro
undings, and 2) observation of the temperature changes that occur to t
he wound area after the application of focal cooling. A series of expe
riments was performed using a porcine model in which standardized temp
erature-modulated pressure injuries were assessed by infrared thermogr
aphy. Wound status (severity and depth) was also determined by histolo
gical classification. Correlations were then sought between thermograp
hic data and wound status. Our results showed that deep-tissue injurie
s may be easily distinguished from shallow wounds by their thermal res
ponse to focal cooling. These findings are consistent with a basic sch
ema for heat transfer in deep-tissue injuries that is proposed here. T
his method is considered to have clinical utility for detecting absces
sed areas of skeletal muscle that are concealed by a healthy epidermal
or dermal bridge.