We describe postpartum onset of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ass
ociated with parvovirus B19 infection in a mother presenting with feve
r, polyarthritis, erythema, and multiorgan involvement. B19 infection
was revealed by detection of B19 DNA and IgM antibodies. in addition,
our patient showed low CD4+ (384 x 10(6)/l) and CD8+ (213 x 10(6)/l) T
cells, high immunoglobulin values (23.77 g/l), hypocomplementemia, th
rombocytopenia, leukopenia, and anemia. Her daughter had rash associat
ed with increasingly with B19 IgG levels and transient antinuclear and
anti-ds-DNA antibodies, suggesting that both development of SLE and a
ctive B19 infection occurred in pregnancy and B19 was transmitted pren
atally, A 2 year followup showed persisting polyarthritis in the mothe
r and atopy in the daughter.