Barbara Held has taken postmodern therapists to task for making ''real
ity claims'' when they have presumably committed themselves to an anti
realist epistemology. She is concerned that by focusing so exclusively
on individual client narratives, they ignore important aspects of the
client's ''extralinguistic'' world. Held suggests that constructivist
therapists adopt a ''modest realism'' within which they could (a) tai
lor therapy methods to individual clients, (b) further systemize thera
peutic principles, (c) give extralinguistic reality its due, and (d) m
ake truth claims. The authors argue that the problems she identifies d
erive largely from the distinctions with which she insists on framing
the debate. They agree that constructivists are not always crystal cle
ar about the implications of their epistemology, but it would accompli
sh little if they were to retreat to the realist posture she proposes.