C. Ortizaleman et al., COMPUTING TOPOGRAPHICAL 3D SITE EFFECTS USING A FAST IBEM CONJUGATE GRADIENT APPROACH/, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 88(2), 1998, pp. 393-399
We briefly review the basis of the indirect boundary element method (I
BEM) and apply it to compute the seismic response of three-dimensional
topographic features for incident P and S waves. The method is based
on the integral representation for scattered and diffracted waves usin
g single-layer boundary sources. This approach is called indirect beca
use source strengths should be obtained as an intermediate step. Bound
ary conditions lead to a system of integral equations for surface's so
urces, The discretization is based on the approximate rectification of
involved surfaces using circles. This allows simple numerical and ana
lytical integration of the exact Green's function for an unbounded, ho
mogeneous, isotropic elastic space. In previous work, the accuracy of
this approach has been verified. However, a serious limitation comes f
rom the maximum frequency of interest because the size of the coeffici
ent matrix grows as the square of frequency, and it can be easily too
large for problems of practical interest. To overcome this difficulty,
various threshold criteria were designed taking advantage from the si
gnificant spatial decay exhibited by Green's functions, Fast approxima
te solutions were obtained by using sparse matrix computations. Encour
aging results are presented.