The aim of the study was to test if there were any differences in the
identity between gender of men and women in the three periods of adult
hood. A special method for the self-assessment of personal traits, gro
up memberships and social roles of respondents was constructed. From t
he originally larger sample, groups of the men (n=99) and the women (n
=161) were assigned to the three subsamples aged 20-25, 35-45 and abov
e 50 years. It was found that the impact of age and Sender on the pers
onal and social identity of respondents was highly significant. The mo
st of differences between men and women was found in the period of ear
ly adulthood; in middle and late adulthood gender differences were min
imized. This is interpreted by a period of their life cycle and distin
ct life circumstances (cultural norms including) in which the responde
nts of three different age groups have lived.