Thermal, crystallization and mechanical behaviour of isotactic polypro
pylene (IPP) reinforced with advanced silicon carbide whiskers (SiCw)
has been investigated. It is well established that the existence of ch
emical and physical interactions between the matrix and the reinforcem
ent enhances the cohesive strength at the interphase thus improving th
e mechanical performance of the composite. In order to improve chemico
-physical interactions between the components of the inorganic-organic
composite system, their affinity has been enhanced in two ways: by co
ating the whiskers with a thin layer of acrylate-grafted polydivinylbe
nzene and by using as matrix a chemically modified polypropylene. The
mechanical properties of the resulting composite materials have been c
ompared and related to the dispersion grade of the whiskers within the
matrices and the morphology of the samples.