Nonlinear delay line (NDL) technology has been utilized to implement a
proof-of-principle, broadband, 8-channel, linear, hybrid NDL-based ph
ased antenna array (PAA) system. The hybrid NDL's provide up to 267-ps
analog, variable true time delay (TTD) with <5-dB measured insertion
loss. A PAA system incorporating aide-band feed, transition, and anten
na elements has been developed for broad-band (4-18 GHz), electronical
ly controlled beam steering. The current system has demonstrated up to
+/-18 degrees beam steering from 4 to 5 GHz, and +/-6 degrees at 6 GH
z in good agreement with theoretical predictions; monolithic implement
ations have been designed to provide +/-19 degrees beam steering at fr
equencies up to 18 GHz and are currently being fabricated. This system
provides a wide-band, low-cost, high-precision alternative to convent
ional PAA technologies.