For the first time, bryozoan species from northern Puget Sound have be
en shown to contain antibacterial compounds. The antibacterial activit
y of two local marine cheilostome species was tested against six strai
ns of local marine bacteria and against stock cultures of Vibrio angui
llarium, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia col
i. The filter paper disc method was used to test for antibacterial act
ivity. A crude extract made from the bryozoan Bugula pacifica inhibite
d the growth of two marine isolates, as well as B. subtilis, S. aureus
, and E. coli. A crude extract made from the bryozoan Tricellaria occi
dentalis inhibited the growth of B. subtilis. Preliminary scanning ele
ctron microscopy data indicate that Tricellaria occidentalis had highe
r densities of surface bacteria than Bugula pacifica. This inverse rel
ationship between antibacterial activity and surface fouling may indic
ate an antifouling role for these bryozoan secondary metabolites. The
presence of antibacterial compounds may allow bryozoans to manipulate
the microbial film growing on them, and may influence the types of org
anisms that are able to settle near or on them. The ability to manipul
ate microbial films may also enable bryozoans to make the substrate ne
arby more suitable for the settlement of their own larvae.