Tear cytokines and growth factors are likely to modulate the wound hea
ling process following corneal epithelial injury. Hepatocyte growth fa
ctor (HGF) is a paracrine mediator of epithelial proliferation, motili
ty, and differentiation that is produced by keratocytes and the lacrim
al gland. Tear samples were collected preoperatively and one, two, and
seven days postoperatively in eyes undergoing excimer laser surface a
blation [photorefractive keratoplasty (PRK) or phototherapeutic kerato
plasty (PTK)]. Tear HGF concentration was measured with a sensitive EL
ISA assay, Tear HGF production was calculated using the tear flaw rate
in the collection capillary and HGF concentration. Although the insta
ntaneous concentration of HGF in tears decreased significantly in the
days following PRK, a large increase in tear flow resulted in a marked
increase in HGF bioavailability. The heparin-binding characteristics
of HGF would result in increased binding to glycosaminoglycans and oth
er heparin-like matrix components and, therefore, increased growth fac
tor availability to the cognate receptor. This is the first report doc
umenting changes in tear him HGF production. HGF may have an important
function in maintenance and wound healing of the ocular surface epith
elium since HGF is present in the normal tear film and the HGF secreti
on rate increases markedly in parallel with aqueous tear production fo
llowing corneal surgical injury. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.